
软餐获悉,美国联邦巡回上诉法院(CAFC)在当地时间 27 日批准了苹果公司的请求,暂时解除美国国际贸易委员会目前对美国 Apple Watch Series 9 和 Ultra 2 智能手表的进口禁令。这意味着苹果可以恢复在官网和商店销售两款手表。

此前,国际贸易委员会裁定苹果侵犯了 Masimo 公司的血氧传感器技术专利,随后的 12 月 21 日,苹果在官网停售了这两款手表,12 月 24 日之后停止在其商店销售。拜登政府最近决定不推翻国际贸易委员会的裁定。苹果的上诉仍在继续,它的目标是对进口禁令进行更长时间的暂停。

The United States Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit (CAFC) has granted Apple’s request to temporarily lift the import ban imposed by the United States International Trade Commission (ITC) on the Apple Watch Series 9 and Ultra 2 smartwatches. This means that Apple can resume selling the two watches on its official website and in stores.

Previously, the ITC ruled that Apple had infringed on Masimo Corporation’s patent for blood oxygen sensor technology. As a result, Apple stopped selling these two watch models on its website on December 21st and ceased selling them in its stores after December 24th. The Biden administration recently decided not to overturn the ITC’s ruling. Apple’s appeal is still ongoing, with the aim of obtaining a longer suspension of the import ban.



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