据界面新闻,苹果公司 CEO 蒂姆·库克现身上海,探访了导演吕末的制作工作室。吕末导演的短片《點睛》由 iPhone 完成拍摄,影片即将上线。在被问及 “iPhone 在 AI 上有何进展时”,库克表示,AI 已经运用在了苹果产品的各方面,例如 Apple Watch 的摔倒检测以及 iPhone 的预测性文本输入等功能,都是由 AI 来完成驱动的。库克还称 “苹果的生成式 AI,在今年晚些时候会有新闻宣布。”本周传出消息,苹果正与谷歌谈判,希望将谷歌人工智能模型 Gemini 植入 iPhone 。
Apple CEO Tim Cook made an appearance in Shanghai, where he visited director Lu Mo’s production studio. Lu Mo’s short film “Dian Jing” was shot entirely using an iPhone and is set to be released soon. When asked about the progress of AI on the iPhone, Cook stated that AI has been integrated into various aspects of Apple products. Features like fall detection on the Apple Watch and predictive text input on the iPhone are driven by AI. Cook also mentioned that “Apple’s generative AI will have news to announce later this year.” This week, rumors surfaced that Apple is in negotiations with Google to potentially incorporate Google’s AI model, Gemini, into the iPhone.