官方出手,连日大跌的 A 股飙升了

中国证监会午间连发三条资本市场维稳措施,涉及进一步加强融券业务监管、支持上市公司并购重组,以及推动上市公司提升投资价值。消息发布后,A 股、港股午后携手飙升,人民币汇率也明显反弹。据华尔街日报,沪指和恒指现涨 3.2% 和 3.6%,创指和科指更飙 6.1% 和 6.4%;离岸人民币弹 0.23%。中央汇金公司今早也表示,充分认可当前 A 股市场配置价值,已于近日扩大交易型开放式指数基金 (ETF) 增持范围。

The China Securities Regulatory Commission (CSRC) has announced three measures to stabilize the capital market during the midday session. These measures include further strengthening regulatory oversight of margin trading and short selling, supporting mergers and acquisitions of listed companies, and promoting the enhancement of investment value for listed companies. Following the release of this news, both A-shares and Hong Kong stocks surged in the afternoon, and the renminbi exchange rate rebounded significantly. According to The Wall Street Journal, the Shanghai Composite Index and the Hang Seng Index are up by 3.2% and 3.6% respectively, while the ChiNext Index and the STAR Market Index have soared by 6.1% and 6.4%. The offshore renminbi has also risen by 0.23%. Additionally, the China Investment Corporation (CIC) expressed its full recognition of the current allocation value of the A-share market and recently expanded the scope of exchange-traded fund (ETF) holdings.



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