项目管理软件 Trello 1500 万用户数据被黑客捕获

项目管理软件Trello 1500万用户数据被黑客捕获

软餐获悉,黑客于 1 月 16 日从项目管理工具 Trello 中捕获了大约 1510 万用户的数据,包括电子邮件地址、姓名和用户名。但 Trello 称没有发生未经授权的访问。据悉,这些数据目前正在暗网上出售。该数据已添加到 Have I Been Pwned 的数据库中。数据是通过将来自可公开访问的资源的数据链接到以前数据泄露的电子邮件地址而获得的。目前尚不清楚涉及哪个可公开访问的资源。

On January 16th, hackers obtained data from approximately 15.1 million users from the project management tool Trello, including email addresses, names, and usernames. However, Trello has stated that there was no unauthorized access. It is reported that this data is currently being sold on the dark web. The data has been added to the Have I Been Pwned database. The data was obtained by linking information from publicly accessible sources to previously leaked email addresses. It is currently unclear which publicly accessible resource is involved.

项目管理软件Trello 1500万用户数据被黑客捕获


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