WingetUI 支持小组件,更新包更容易


软餐获悉,用于管理 CLI 包管理器(如 Winget 或 Scoop)的第三方 GUI 实用工具 WingetUI 日前更新了。最新版 WingetUI 2.2.0 现在支持 WingetUI Widgets 小组件,这是一组用于 Windows Widgets 窗格的小组件,这使得安装可用的包更新更容易。其他可用性改进包括保存有关包安装的详细信息、使用 YAML 和 JSON 格式支持重新设计的导出等。新版本还添加了对 PowerShell 库的支持。PowerShell 库或 PSGallery 是包含脚本、模块和 Desired State Configuration(DSC)资源的存储库。从 GitHub 下载

The third-party GUI utility, WingetUI, has recently been updated. The latest version, WingetUI 2.2.0, now supports WingetUI Widgets, a set of widgets for the Windows Widgets pane, making it easier to install available package updates. Other usability improvements include saving detailed information about package installations, support for redesigned exports using YAML and JSON formats, and added support for PowerShell Gallery. PowerShell Gallery, or PSGallery, is a repository that contains scripts, modules, and Desired State Configuration (DSC) resources. You can download the new version from GitHub.



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