软餐获悉,大众汽车对德媒《明镜周刊》(Der Spiegel)承认,2010 年至 2015 年期间,黑客一直能够访问这家汽车的 IT 系统,且已有 19,000 份文件被盗。这次网络攻击始于 2010 年。黑客首先分析了大众汽车的 IT 系统,以找出可能的弱点。 2011 年,黑客开始窃取数据和文件,且接下来的几年中未被察觉。 2013 年,黑客成功获得管理员权限,进一步深入大众汽车的 IT 系统,超过 19,000 份文件被盗,涉及有关汽油发动机、变速器、双离合器传动系统、电动汽车技术和燃料电池等方面的信息。直到 2014 年 6 月初,大众汽车才注意遭到攻击,该公司随后组建了一个安全团队监视黑客并采取必要的措施。德国媒体称,黑客的 IP 地址似乎指向中国,并且黑客的活动总是在特定的时间(下午 4 点)停止,似乎有着固定的办公时间。大众汽车确认了这次黑客攻击。并强调攻击发生在十多年前,之后公司已提升了 IT 系统的安全性,但大众没有披露其他细节。
Volkswagen has acknowledged to the German magazine Der Spiegel that hackers had access to the company’s IT systems between 2010 and 2015, resulting in the theft of 19,000 documents. The cyberattack began in 2010 when hackers analyzed Volkswagen’s IT systems to identify potential vulnerabilities. In 2011, they started stealing data and documents, remaining undetected for several years. By 2013, the hackers had gained administrator privileges, allowing them to penetrate deeper into Volkswagen’s IT systems. Over 19,000 documents were stolen, including information related to gasoline engines, transmissions, dual-clutch systems, electric vehicle technology, and fuel cells. It wasn’t until early June 2014 that Volkswagen noticed the attack after the hackers allegedly made a typing error. This error caused a sudden increase in the IT systems’ capacity requirements, raising suspicion. Volkswagen subsequently formed a security team to monitor the hackers and implement necessary measures.According to German media reports, it was possible to analyze the hackers’ IP addresses, which appeared to originate from China. The hackers also consistently ceased their activities at a specific time, reportedly corresponding to 4:00 PM in the Asian country, leading news outlets to speculate that they were Chinese state-sponsored hackers with regular office hours.Volkswagen has confirmed the hack, emphasizing that the incident occurred more than a decade ago and that the company has since improved its IT system security. The German automaker has not provided further details at this time.