![[实测] 过去几个月微软new Bing进步缓慢](https://www.ruancan.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/11/2024112209481934.gif)
软餐针对 new Bing 进行的大量测试还显示,尽管微软为它引入了很多新功能,但和几个月之前相比,微软 new Bing 的 “智商” 似乎并没有显著提高。和以前一样,new Bing 频繁地捏造答案、经常捏造并不存在的 “事实”,在指出错误之后,new Bing 会被 “激怒” 并立即结束当前会话。
Our extensive testing of new Bing also shows that although Microsoft has introduced many new features for it, compared to a few months ago, the “intelligence” of Microsoft’s new Bing does not seem to have significantly improved. Like before, new Bing frequently fabricates answers and often fabricates non-existent “facts”. After pointing out the errors, new Bing will be “angered” and immediately end the current session.