「微软画图」应用全面迎来 AI 作图功能


软餐获悉,微软已低调向所有 “微软画图”(Microsoft Paint)用户开放基于 AI 的 Cocreator(共同创作者)功能。这是一项人工智能生成图像功能,基于 OpenAI 的 DALL-E 3 模型。现在用户无需进行任何申请,即可直接访问该功能。软餐在我们的测试设备上已经获得该功能。

用户必须登录微软账户才能使用此功能。用户将自动获得 50 个积分,用于在 Cocreator 中创作图像。目前,Cocreator 仅支持英语,并且目前在美国、法国、英国、澳大利亚、加拿大、意大利和德国可用。

要使用 Cocreator,请打开 Microsoft Paint,然后选择工具栏上的 Cocreator 图标以查看 Cocreator(共同创作者)侧面板。在文本框中,输入要创建的图像的描述。例如,您可以输入 “一只戴红帽子的蓝猫” 或 “有山和湖的风景” 。尽可能具有描述性,以生成符合您期望的结果。

输入文本后,选择要创建图像的样式,然后选择 “创建” 按钮。 Cocreator 将生成您请求的图像的三种不同变体,您可以单击任何变体以将该图像应用到 Paint 画布并开始创建。

Microsoft has quietly opened up its AI-based Cocreator feature to all Microsoft Paint users. This is an artificial intelligence-generated image creation feature based on OpenAI’s DALL-E 3 model. Users can now access this feature directly without any application process. The software update has already been received on our testing devices.

Users must log in to their Microsoft accounts in order to use this feature. Upon logging in, users will automatically receive 50 points for creating images in Cocreator. Currently, Cocreator only supports English and is available in the United States, France, the United Kingdom, Australia, Canada, Italy, and Germany.

To use Cocreator, open Microsoft Paint and select the Cocreator icon on the toolbar to see the Cocreator side panel. In the text box, enter a description of the image you want to create. For example, you can type “a blue cat with a red hat” or “a landscape with mountains and a lake”. Be as descriptive as possible to generate results matching your expectations.

After you enter the text, choose a style in which you want to create your image and then select the Create button. Cocreator will generate three different variants of the image you requested, you can click on any of the variants to apply that image to Paint canvas and start creating.



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