微软内部表态将继续支持 OpenAl

OpenAI 在过去几天的经历震惊了整个科技行业。随着首席执行官 Sam Altman 的回归,这场 “宫斗” 已宣告结束。软餐获悉,微软内部备忘录显示,OpenAI 最大的投资者微软在内部表达了对 OpenAl 的支持。微软首席技术官兼人工智能部门执行副总裁凯文·斯科特 (Kevin Scott) 在备忘录中说,对微软所有员工几天来提供的帮助表示感谢。他说,微软 “将继续支持 OpenAl 的同事以及他们与我们一起为实现这一使命所做的出色工作。正如我们过去 4 年多以来所做的那样,我们期待着继续与 Sam 和他的团队合作” 。 Kevin Scott 还提到,微软和 OpenAI 近期都推出了新产品,包括微软的 Orca 2 语言模型,以及 OpenAI 为所有免费用户提供语音 ChatCPT 支持等。

[Microsoft internally stated that it will continue to support OpenAI] An internal memo from Microsoft reveals that OpenAI’s largest investor, Microsoft, has expressed support for OpenAI internally. Kevin Scott, Microsoft’s Chief Technology Officer and Executive Vice President of the AI department, expressed gratitude in the memo for the assistance provided by all Microsoft employees in recent days. He stated that Microsoft will continue to support their colleagues at OpenAI and the excellent work they have done together to achieve their mission. He mentioned the recent launches of new products by both Microsoft and OpenAI, including Microsoft’s Orca 2 language model and OpenAI’s provision of voice ChatCPT support for all free users.

Harley Norris的头像Harley Norris


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