CEO 被罢免与 OpenAI 取得重大技术突破有关

软餐获悉,一个爆料称,OpenAI 首席执行官山姆·奥特曼(Sam Altman)被罢免,可能和该公司取得了重大技术突破有关。在 Sam Altman 被罢免 4 天之前,几位研究人员向公司董事会发出一封信,警告称一项强大的人工智能——被称为 Q*(发音为 Q-Star)的模型可能威胁人类。该模型可以解决某些数学问题,这意味着 AI 将拥有类似于人类智能的更强推理能力。部分员工担忧该模型可能存在潜在的风险。消息人士表示,这封信是董事会罢免奥特曼的一个关键导火索,是导致董事会众多不满的原因之一。但也有人说,董事会从未收到过类似的信。

Sam Altman, the CEO of OpenAI, has been dismissed, possibly related to significant technological breakthroughs achieved by the company. Four days prior to Sam Altman’s dismissal, several researchers sent a letter to the company’s board of directors, warning about a powerful artificial intelligence model called Q* (pronounced Q-Star) that could pose a threat to humanity. This model has the ability to solve certain mathematical problems, which implies that AI would have stronger reasoning capabilities similar to human intelligence. Some employees are concerned about potential risks associated with this model. Insider sources claim that this letter was a crucial catalyst for the board’s decision to dismiss Altman and was one of the reasons behind their dissatisfaction. However, others have said that the board never received a similar letter.



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