软餐获悉,阿里巴巴集团合伙人、首席人才官蒋芳在阿里巴巴内网发帖,回应了马云减持阿里巴巴股票的传闻。蒋芳称马云 “一股都没有卖!”
马老师的办公室为了在国内外投资农业科技和公益事业等项目需要资金,在今年早些时候与股票经纪依美国 SEC 10b5-1 规定签了减持合同,按规定 11 月中旬将对外公告这一有前提条件的未来减持计划。 8 月份当时定好的售卖价格,远高于现在的股价,所以马老师一股都没有卖!
阿里巴巴集团董事长蔡崇信也在蒋芳的帖子下留言回复力挺。蒋芳还否认了 “阿里巴巴要裁员 2.5 万人” 的传闻。
Alibaba Group partner and Chief People Officer, Jiang Fang, posted a response on Alibaba’s internal network addressing the rumors about Jack Ma reducing his stake in Alibaba. Jiang Fang stated, “Jack Ma hasn’t sold a single share!”
According to the U.S. SEC 10b5-1 regulation, a reduction agreement was signed, and the conditionally predetermined future reduction plan will be publicly announced in mid-November. The selling price was set in August and was much higher than the current stock price, so Jack Ma has not sold any shares.
…The speculation from external sources suggesting that he sold a significant amount of stocks demonstrates a lack of confidence in Alibaba’s business. This completely overlooks the fact that it is a long-term plan and the higher selling price was set based on his belief in the further appreciation of Alibaba’s business.
…Currently, Alibaba’s stock price is significantly lower than its actual value, so Jack Ma has no intention of selling.
Alibaba Group Chairman, Cai Chongxin, also left a supportive comment in response to Jiang Fang’s post. Furthermore, Jiang Fang denied the rumors of Alibaba planning to lay off 25,000 employees.