Win11 Moment 5 可选更新引发多种问题

软餐获悉,微软于 3 月底发布的 Windows 11 Moment 5 可选功能更新(即 KB5035942),可能存在 Bug 。用户们反馈的问题包括:

  • 一些用户抱怨,根本无法验证 KB5035942 是否已成功安装。安装时设备卡住了,重启后重试完成了安装,但在 Windows 更新历史记录中根本无法找到该更新;
  • 另一些用户称安装时提示遇到问题,正在撤销安装;
  • 有用户遇到了安装报错代码 “0x80188309”;
  • 有用户安装后遇到了系统蓝屏问题。
  • 黑色桌面问题,桌面背景无法显示。


Microsoft’s Windows 11 March 5th Optional Feature Update, also known as KB5035942, may have some bugs. Users have reported the following issues:

  • Some users complain that they are unable to verify if KB5035942 has been successfully installed. The installation process gets stuck, and upon restarting, the installation is completed, but the update cannot be found in the Windows update history.
  • Other users have encountered issues during the installation process and receive prompts for uninstallation.
  • Some users have encountered error code “0x80188309” during the installation.
  • Certain users have experienced system crashes (blue screen) after the installation.
  • There have been reports of a black desktop issue, where the desktop background fails to display.

Microsoft has not yet responded to these issues.

Gustave Agnes的头像Gustave Agnes


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