苹果公司透露,该公司曾花了三年时间开发安卓版 Apple Watch 。但该项目因遭遇 “Android 的技术限制” 流产。近日,美国司法部宣布对苹果提起全面反垄断诉讼,当局称苹果在智能手机和智能手表领域妨碍了市场竞争。法官询问的问题涉及 Apple Watch 只能与 iPhone 配对使用。对此,苹果回应称,在过去曾试图使 Apple Watch 与安卓兼容,但未成功。司法部的诉讼还涉及到苹果公司阻止超级应用程序的发展,云游戏提供商无法开发 iOS 应用程序,以及 iMessage 作为 iOS 唯一能发送和接收短信的应用程序等问题。目前尚不清楚这起诉讼将持续多长时间。
Apple has revealed that it spent three years developing an Android version of the Apple Watch. However, the project was abandoned due to “technical limitations of Android.” The announcement comes as the US Department of Justice recently filed a comprehensive antitrust lawsuit against Apple, alleging that the company hinders market competition in the smartphone and smartwatch industries. The judge raised questions about the Apple Watch’s exclusive compatibility with iPhones. In response, Apple stated that it had attempted to make the Apple Watch compatible with Android in the past but was unsuccessful. The Department of Justice’s lawsuit also addresses Apple’s alleged obstruction of super apps, the inability of cloud gaming providers to develop iOS applications, and the fact that iMessage is the only iOS app capable of sending and receiving SMS messages. The duration of the lawsuit is currently unknown.