
知情人士透露,欧盟委员会准备在未来几天宣布对这些公司遵守欧盟《数字市场法案》的情况展开调查。苹果和谷歌针对应用商店开发者的新收费、条款和条件将受到欧盟的关注。Meta 提出的向访问 Facebook 和 Instagram 的用户收取月费的提议,也可能招致欧盟的审查,其收费计划最近深陷争议。违反《数字市场法案》可能招致巨额罚款。

According to insiders, the European Commission is preparing to announce an investigation into the compliance of these companies with the EU Digital Markets Act in the coming days. Apple and Google’s new fees, terms, and conditions for app store developers will be under scrutiny by the European Union. The proposal by Meta to charge a monthly fee to users accessing Facebook and Instagram may also attract scrutiny from the EU. Violations of the Digital Markets Act could result in substantial fines.



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