被广泛批评后,Meta 希望将「去广告」服务价格减半

软餐获悉,Meta 的一位高管周二表示,该公司提出将 Facebook 和 Instagram 的每月订阅费从 9.99 欧元减半至 5.99 欧元,以消除欧盟监管监管机构的担忧。此次降价是在隐私活动人士和消费者团体对 Meta 在欧盟的无广告订阅服务提出批评之后进行的,批评者称该服务要求用户付费以确保其隐私。现在,欧盟的隐私保护活动人士并不认可降价方案,他们认为这与价格无关,即使降价到 1.99 欧元或更低,也会导致用户选择 “同意”,即接受在访问 Meta 服务的同时浏览广告。上周,39 名欧盟议员发出公开信,希望 Meta 停止提供该付费去广告模式。Meta 于 11 月推出了付费去广告订阅计划,以遵守《数字市场法案》(DMA),该法案限制了其在未经用户同意的情况下为用户提供个性化广告的能力,从而损害了其主要收入来源。

A senior executive at Meta announced on Tuesday that the company is proposing to reduce the monthly subscription fees for Facebook and Instagram from €9.99 to €5.99, in an effort to address concerns from European Union regulatory authorities. This price reduction comes after privacy activists and consumer groups criticized Meta’s ad-free subscription service in the EU, arguing that it requires users to pay to safeguard their privacy. However, privacy advocates in the EU are not endorsing the pricing scheme, as they believe it is unrelated. Even if the price were reduced to €1.99 or lower, they argue that it would still result in users opting to “agree,” thereby accepting the browsing of ads while accessing Meta services. Last week, 39 EU lawmakers sent an open letter urging Meta to discontinue the paid ad-free model. Meta introduced the paid ad-free subscription plan in November to comply with the Digital Markets Act (DMA), which restricts its ability to provide personalized ads to users without their consent, impacting its primary revenue source.



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