油管要求为 AI 生成的逼真内容打标签,以免误导观众

YouTube 要对该平台上 AI 生成的 “以假乱真” 的内容动手了。软餐获悉,YouTube 创作者工作室已推出新的 AI 标记功能,谷歌要求创作者们对 AI 生成的逼真的视频内容进行标记。


  • 让真实的人看起来说或做了他们没有说或做的事情
  • 修改了真实事件或地点的镜头
  • 生成一个看起来逼真但实际上没有发生的场景

据悉,这些标签将首先出现在 YouTube 手机应用上,随后会扩展到桌面和电视应用程序。YouTube 将对不正确地的标记采取 “执行措施”,但未透露具体细节。此外 YouTube 可能对 “有可能混淆或误导人们” 的视频强制标签。并非所有 AI 创作的内容都需要标记,例如 AI 创作的梦境、AI 视频美化等内容,并不会产生误导,因此无需标记。

YouTube is taking action against AI-generated “realistic” content on its platform. According to reports, YouTube’s Creator Studio has introduced a new AI labeling feature, requiring creators to label AI-generated realistic video content.

The videos that need to be labeled include:

  • Making real people appear to say or do things they didn’t say or do.
  • Altering footage of real events or places.
  • Generating a realistic-looking scene that didn’t actually occur.

These labels are expected to first appear on YouTube’s mobile app and later expand to desktop and TV applications. YouTube will take “enforcement measures” against incorrect labeling, but specific details have not been disclosed. Additionally, YouTube may enforce labels on videos that have the potential to confuse or mislead viewers. Not all AI-generated content requires labeling, such as dream-like AI creations or AI video enhancements, as they do not create deception and therefore do not need to be labeled.

Harley Norris的头像Harley Norris


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