微软 AI 助理将支持繁体中文等 17 种新语言

软餐获悉,微软的人工智能助理 Microsoft Copilot 将在本月或 4 月开始支持 17 种新语言。其中包括荷兰语、阿拉伯语、繁体中文、希伯来语和俄语等主要语言。具体的发布时间尚未敲定。Copilot 此前已支持英语、西班牙语、日语、法语、德语、葡萄牙语(BR)、意大利语和简体中文。Microsoft Copilot 还将为教育领域提供支持,包括将推出一项工具,允许用户共享提示词并观看培训视频;微软打算 Copilot Lab 改造为一个知识中心,用户可以在其中共享提示词、交流 Copilot 使用技巧;Copilot 将在 Microsoft 365 移动应用程序和 Word、PowerPoint 应用程序中提供支持;此外,微软还将在 Forms 中添加 Copilot 集成。

Microsoft’s artificial intelligence assistant, Microsoft Copilot, will begin supporting 17 new languages starting this month or in April. These languages include Dutch, Arabic, Traditional Chinese, Hebrew, and Russian, among others. The specific release dates have not been finalized. Previously, Copilot supported English, Spanish, Japanese, French, German, Portuguese (Brazil), Italian, and Simplified Chinese. Microsoft Copilot will also provide support for the education sector, including the introduction of a tool that allows users to share prompts and watch training videos. Microsoft plans to transform Copilot Lab into a knowledge center where users can share prompts and exchange tips on how to make better use of the assistant. Copilot will be available in Microsoft 365 mobile applications, as well as Word and PowerPoint applications. Additionally, Microsoft will integrate Copilot into Forms.



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