微软计划在 Windows 的消费者版本中添加热补丁功能。这意味着可以无需重启操作系统即可安装安全更新。微软正在 Windows 11 预览版本 26058 中测试发布无需重新启动的安全更新功能。这是基于虚拟化安全技术实现的。支持 Intel 、 AMD 或 ARM 虚拟化扩展的计算机可以启动 VBS 。借助这项技术,微软可以修改运行中的 Windows 进程的内存代码,而无需重新启动该进程。微软称,热补丁依赖于每三个月需要进行一次修改的基本更新。为此,仍然需要重新启动。如果发现零日安全漏洞,可能需要更早地重新启动。这家科技巨头已经在几个 Windows Server 版本上使用了热补丁。在 Xbox 游戏机上也已经应用了这种更新方法。据悉,热补丁功能计划于今年晚些时候随 Windows 11 24H2 发布。最初该功能将仅适用于 x86-64 计算机,微软预计会在 2025 年为 Arm64 系统提供热补丁功能。
Microsoft plans to add hotpatching functionality to the consumer version of Windows. This means that security updates can be installed without the need to restart the operating system. In the Windows 11 preview build 26058, Microsoft is testing the release of security updates that do not require a reboot. This functionality is based on virtualization-based security. Computers that support virtualization extensions for Intel, AMD, or ARM can initiate VBS. With this technology, Microsoft can modify the in-memory code of a running Windows process without the need for a restart. Microsoft states that hotpatching relies on a base update that needs to be modified every three months, requiring a restart. In the case of zero-day security vulnerabilities being discovered, an earlier restart may be necessary. The tech giant has already been using hotpatching for several versions of Windows Server. This update method is also applied to Xbox consoles. Hotpatching is reportedly planned to be available later this year as part of the Windows 11 version 24H2 release. Initially, this feature will only be available for x86-64 computers, and Microsoft expects to provide hotpatching for Arm64 systems in 2025.