软餐获悉,Statcounter 发布了 2024 年 1 月的 Windows 系统份额数据。数据显示,2024 年 1 月,Windows 11 份额达 27.83%,增长 1.29 个百分点。 Windows 10 份额为 66.47%,下降 0.95% 。 Windows 7 则从 3.35% 下降到 3.05% 。 Windows 8.1 为 1.73%(+0.05),Windows XP 为 0.57%(-0.07),Windows 8 为 0.26%(-0.02)。
Statcounter has released the market share data for Windows operating systems in January 2024. The data shows that in January 2024, Windows 11 had a market share of 27.83%, an increase of 1.29 percentage points. Windows 10 had a market share of 66.47%, a decrease of 0.95%. Windows 7 decreased from 3.35% to 3.05%. Windows 8.1 had a market share of 1.73% (+0.05), Windows XP had a market share of 0.57% (-0.07), and Windows 8 had a market share of 0.26% (-0.02).