微软正为 Edge 浏览器安卓版开发扩展功能


软餐获悉,微软被发现正为 Edge 浏览器安卓版开发扩展功能。开发者 Leopeva64 分享的截屏显示,在 Microsoft Edge 的 Canary 测试版中,浏览器菜单中已出现扩展程序的选项菜单。微软公司尚未对该消息发表回应。 Firefox 安卓版已于去年底全面支持扩展功能。观察人士认为,随着欧盟《数字市场法案》(DMA)的生效,苹果将允许在 iOS 上使用基于其他浏览器引擎的浏览器,微软等浏览器厂商也将在 iOS 平台上有所作为。

Microsoft has been discovered to be developing extension functionality for the Android version of its Edge browser. A screenshot shared by developer Leopeva64 shows that the options menu for browser extensions has appeared in the browser menu of the Canary test version of Microsoft Edge. Microsoft has not yet responded to this news. Observers believe that with the enforcement of the EU’s Digital Markets Act (DMA), Apple will allow browsers based on other browser engines to be used on iOS, and browser vendors like Microsoft will also make moves on the iOS platform.



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