微软:不强制 Windows 设备配备 Copilot 按键


软餐获悉,微软发布声明说,该公司最新为 Windows 设备引入的 Copilot 按键不是强制性的,因此不会成为 Windows 设备认证的一部分,至少目前不是。 2023 年底,微软宣布新款 Windows 11 PC 的键盘都将配备 Copilot 键。 Copilot 键的位置因制造商而异,但通常位于空格键右侧,与 WIN 键相对。在某些情况下,该键取代了右侧的 CTRL 键,在某些较大的键盘上,既有右侧的 CTRL 键,也有 Copilot 键的空间,而在其他情况下,Copilot 键与 “菜单” 键组合在一起(通过 Fn 键+Copilot 键来访问菜单键)。

Microsoft has issued a statement stating that the recently introduced Copilot key for Windows devices is not mandatory and therefore will not be part of the Windows device certification, at least for now. By the end of 2023, Microsoft announced that keyboards for new Windows 11 PCs would be equipped with a Copilot key. The placement of the Copilot key varies depending on the manufacturer, but generally, it is located on the right side of the space bar, opposite the WIN key. In some cases, the key replaces the right CTRL key, while on larger keyboards, there is space for both the right CTRL key and the Copilot key. In other cases, the Copilot key is combined with the “Menu” key, which can be accessed by pressing the Fn key + Copilot key.



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