接替「双 12」的「淘宝年终好价节」上线了

软餐获悉,“淘宝年终好价节” 已于 12 月 9 日晚 8 点正式开启。据悉,往年双 12 大促均以淘宝商家为主,今年天猫品牌商家全面参与,折扣力度、商品规模创下历史新高。玩法方面,官方立减商品 8.5 折起,不用凑单,一键就能打折。熟悉的跨店满减依然保留,规则为 200 减 30,门槛比双 11 更低。淘天集团上个月称,往年的淘宝 “双 12” 将被 “淘宝年终好价节” 取而代之。

The “Taobao Year-End Good Price Festival” officially started at 8:00 PM on December 9th. It is reported that in previous years, the Double 12 promotion mainly involved Taobao merchants, but this year, Tmall brand merchants are fully participating, setting new records in terms of discount intensity and product scale. In terms of gameplay, official discounts start at 15% off, without the need to meet a minimum order requirement, and discounts can be applied with just one click. The familiar cross-store full reduction promotion is still available, with a rule of 30 yuan off for every 200 yuan spent, with a lower threshold compared to Double 11. Last month, the Taobao Group announced that the traditional Taobao “Double 12” event would be replaced by the “Taobao Year-End Good Price Festival.”

接替「双 12」的「淘宝年终好价节」上线了


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