淘宝「双 12」取消,改名「淘宝年终好价节」

软餐获悉,淘宝取消了今年的 “双 12” 购物节,并将于 12 月 9 号晚上 8 时正式开启 “淘宝年终好价节”,预计 11 月底开始招商。淘天集团回应称,相比往年的双 12,淘宝年终好价节的折扣力度、商家规模、商品规模将 “全面大幅度提升”。

Taobao has canceled this year’s “Double 12” shopping festival and will officially launch the “Taobao Year-end Good Price Festival” on the evening of December 9th at 8 p.m. It is expected to start soliciting merchants at the end of November. Taobao Group responded by stating that compared to previous Double 12 events, the discount intensity, merchant scale, and product scale of the Taobao Year-end Good Price Festival will be “significantly and comprehensively enhanced.”



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