Chrome 启动时将允许欧洲用户选择默认搜索引擎


软餐获悉,Chrome 将面向欧盟和欧洲经济区用户推出一项颇为友好的新选项——这些地区的桌面 Chrome 用户在启动浏览器时,将被允许选择自己想要的默认搜索引擎。用户可以从几个备选的搜索引擎中选择一个,单击 “设置为默认值” 按钮会使其成为默认搜索引擎。此前谷歌已经在 Android 平台上提供类似的提示。备选的搜索引擎包括:Google 搜索、 Bing 、 DuckDuckGo 、 Brave Search 、 Yep 以及 Qwant 等。谷歌称,Chrome 应当地法律的要求推出了该功能。

Chrome is introducing a user-friendly new option for users in the European Union and European Economic Area. Desktop Chrome users in these regions will be allowed to choose their preferred default search engine when launching the browser. Users can select one from several alternative search engines, and clicking the “Set as default” button will make it their default search engine. Google has previously provided a similar prompt on the Android platform. The available search engines include Google Search, Bing, DuckDuckGo, Brave Search, Yep, and Qwant, among others. Google states that Chrome is launching this feature to comply with local regulations.



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