谷歌敲定播客服务 Google Podcasts 关闭时间

软餐获悉,谷歌在 8 日宣布,2024 年 4 月起,该公司将在美国停用 Google Podcasts 应用程序,用户需要在 2024 年 7 月之前迁移或导出自己的播客数据。谷歌没有透露该服务在其他地区的停用时间。谷歌希望用户能够迁移到 YouTube Music,后者已经添加了一些播客功能,包括可通过 RSS feed 的 URL 添加播客、播客剧集自动下载和播客发现等。用户还可将订阅数据导入到其他播客应用。谷歌早在今年 9 月就宣布了将关停 Google Podcasts 的计划。Google Podcasts 老用户们很可能并不喜欢 YouTube Music,因为后者既提供播客又提供音乐,这可能不是他们想要的。

On the 8th of the month, Google announced that it will discontinue the Google Podcasts application in the United States starting from April 2024. Users are required to migrate or export their podcast data before July 2024. Google has not disclosed the discontinuation timeline for other regions. Google hopes that users will transition to YouTube Music, which has added some podcast features, including the ability to add podcasts via RSS feed URLs, automatic podcast episode downloads, and podcast discovery. Users can also import their subscription data into other podcast applications. Google had previously announced its plan to shut down Google Podcasts as early as September this year. Existing Google Podcasts users may not necessarily prefer YouTube Music, as it offers both podcasts and music, which may not align with their preferences.

谷歌敲定播客服务Google Podcasts关闭时间
Harley Norris的头像Harley Norris


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