谷歌笔记 AI 服务 NotebookLM 现在基于 Gemini 模型

软餐获悉,谷歌最近更新了 NotebookLM官网)。NotebookLM 是一个专门服务于个人笔记的人工智能服务,可以帮助用户将上传的笔记内容生成摘要,并根据笔记回答问题。该服务于今年 7 月开始测试。现在,谷歌已将 NotebookLM 向美国 18 岁以上用户开放,最重要的是现在 NotebookLM 服务基于 Gemini Pro,Gemini 是谷歌刚刚发布的高级 AI 模型,Gemini Pro 是其中一个版本。

新版 NotebookLM 还引入了十多项新功能,可帮助用户提高他们的思维过程和生产力。它包括一个记事板空间,用于保存对话、来源或个人笔记中的内容;NotebookLM 还可将用户的笔记转换为新格式,例如主题大纲或学习指南。谷歌承诺不会将用户数据用于训练 NotebookLM。

Google recently updated NotebookLM. NotebookLM is an artificial intelligence service specifically designed for personal note-taking. It can help users generate summaries of uploaded note content and answer questions based on the notes. The service has been in testing since July this year. Now, Google has opened NotebookLM to users in the United States who are 18 years old or older. Most importantly, the NotebookLM service is now based on Gemini Pro, Gemini being a high-level AI model recently released by Google, and Gemini Pro being one version of it.

The new version of NotebookLM also introduces more than ten new features to help users improve their thinking process and productivity. It includes a board space for saving content from conversations, sources, or personal notes; NotebookLM can also convert user’s notes into new formats such as topic outlines or study guides. Google promises not to use user data for training NotebookLM.



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