传微软 2024 年夏天发布 Windows 12

软餐获悉,据台湾商业时报 (CTEE) ,微软将于 2024 年 6 月发布其下一代操作系统 Windows 12,以及各种基于人工智能的 PC。这一消息的来源是广达电脑董事长林百里和宏碁董事长兼首席执行官陈俊圣最近在台湾医疗技术展览会上的发言。林百里预期明年夏季随着新一代的 Windows 作业系统时,AI PC 也将陆续推出。他看好这对 PC 硬件产业的机会。

这不是第一次出现有关 Windows 12 的传闻。英特尔首席财务官最近也声称 Windows 12 将于 2024 年问世。更早前有德国媒体报道,微软计划将 Windows 12 打造为一个基于订阅的操作系统。已经离开微软的前 Windows 负责人 Panos Panay 也曾暗示,Windows 12 将由 AI 深度驱动

与此同时,微软还在紧锣密鼓的开发 Windows 11 24H2,这是 Windows 11 的下一个功能更新。

According to Taiwan Business Times (CTEE), Microsoft will release its next-generation operating system, Windows 12, and various AI-based PCs in June 2024. The source of this news is the speeches given by Lin Baili, Chairman of Quanta Computer, and Chen Junsheng, Chairman and CEO of Acer, at a recent medical technology exhibition in Taiwan. Lin Baili expects that with the new generation of Windows operating system next summer, AI PCs will also be launched one after another. He sees this as an opportunity for the PC hardware industry.

This is not the first time rumors about Windows 12 have surfaced. Recently, Intel’s CFO also claimed that Windows 12 will be released in 2024. Earlier reports from German media stated that Microsoft plans to develop Windows 12 as a subscription-based operating system. Former head of Windows at Microsoft who has since left the company, Panos Panay, also hinted that Windows 12 would be driven by AI.

Meanwhile, Microsoft is also actively developing Windows 11 24H2, which is the next feature update for Windows 11.

传微软2024 年夏天发布Windows 12


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