[更新提示] 谷歌修复了 Chrome 上的零日漏洞 CVE-2023-6345

软餐获悉,Chrome 浏览器稳定版迎来更新。谷歌修复了存在于 Skia 引擎中的零日漏洞 CVE-2023-6345,Skia 引擎用于显示图像和文本。谷歌称该漏洞已被野外利用。更新后,Chrome 的版本将升级为 119.0.6045.199 和 119.0.6045.200(Windows 版)、119.0.6045.199(macOS 和 Linux 版)和 119.0.6045.193(Android 版)。谷歌同时顺便修复了 6 个 Bug。CVE-2023-6345 是谷歌今年在 Chrome 中修复的第六个零日漏洞。在最坏的情况下,攻击者可利用它在浏览器中执行任意代码。该漏洞由谷歌威胁分析小组的两名研究人员发现,但谷歌没有透露任何进一步的细节。Google Chrome 更新通常会在几天内自动安装,用户还可以访问浏览器的关于页面,以手动检查和安装更新。

The stable version of Chrome browser has received an update. Google has fixed a zero-day vulnerability CVE-2023-6345 in the Skia engine, which is used for displaying images and text. Google claims that this vulnerability has been exploited in the wild. After the update, the versions of Chrome will be upgraded to 119.0.6045.199 and 119.0.6045.200 (Windows), 119.0.6045.199 (macOS and Linux), and 119.0 .6045 .193 (Android). Google also fixed six bugs along with it.CVE-2023-6345 is the sixth zero-day vulnerability fixed by Google in Chrome this year.In the worst case scenario, attackers can exploit it to execute arbitrary code in browsers.The vulnerability was discovered by two researchers from Google’s Threat Analysis Group, but no further details have been disclosed.Google Chrome updates usually install automatically within a few days.Users can also visit the browser’s About page to manually check for and install updates

[更新提示] 谷歌修复了Chrome上的零日漏洞CVE-2023-6345


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