
软餐获悉,11 月 28 日,拼多多发布了截至 9 月 30 日的 2023 年第三季度业绩报告。其股价开盘飙涨 18%,市值达 1847 亿美金,与阿里巴巴 1954 亿美金的市值仅相差 100 多亿美金。拼多多的财报和股价表现引起阿里员工在内网的感叹。


请大家多提建设性意见和建议,特别是创新想法。……我相信今天的阿里人大家都在看都在听。我更坚信阿里会变,阿里会改。所有伟大的公司都诞生在冬天里。AI 电商时代刚刚开始,对谁都是机会,也是挑战。……祝贺拼多多过去几年的决策,执行和努力。谁都牛过,但能为了明天后天牛而改革的人,并且愿意付出任何代价和牺牲的组织才令人尊重。回到我们的使命和愿景,阿里人,加油!

On November 28th, Pinduoduo released its third-quarter performance report for the year 2023, ending on September 30th. Its stock price surged by 18% at the opening, reaching a market value of $184.7 billion, with only a difference of just over $10 billion from Alibaba’s market value of $195.4 billion. Pinduoduo’s financial report and stock performance have caused astonishment among Alibaba employees on the internal network. Jack Ma made a rare comment in reply: “Please provide constructive opinions and suggestions, especially innovative ideas.” He mentioned that he believes everyone at Alibaba is watching and listening today. He firmly believes that Alibaba will change and improve as well. All great companies are born in winter. The era of AI e-commerce has just begun; it is an opportunity and challenge for everyone.

Jack Ma said: “Congratulations to Pinduoduo for its decisions, execution, and efforts over the past few years. Many people can be successful once but those who reform themselves to achieve success tomorrow or the day after tomorrow while being willing to pay any cost or make sacrifices are truly respectable organizations. Let us return to our mission and vision, Alibaba people – let’s go!”



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