微软将下架 Microsoft 365 浏览器扩展

软餐获悉,微软宣布,它将很快停止支持适用于 Edge 和 Chrome 浏览器的 Microsoft 365 扩展程序。这些扩展将于 2024 年 1 月 15 日从扩展商店下架。该扩展于 2016 年发布,允许用户快速地访问微软旗下多款 Office 应用程序,它在 Chrome 网上应用店和 Edge 商店的下载量分别超过了 600 万次和 400 万次。微软没有解释结束支持的原因——就在今年 8 月,微软刚刚为这些扩展更新了 UI。未来 Edge 用户可以通过浏览器侧边栏访问 Microsoft 365;Chrome 用户可以将 Microsoft365.com 网站添加到浏览器书签。

Microsoft announced that it will soon stop supporting Microsoft 365 extensions for Edge and Chrome browsers. Support will end on January 15, 2024, and the extensions will be removed from the extension stores. The extensions were released in 2016, allowing users to quickly access various Office applications under Microsoft. They have been downloaded over six million times in the Chrome Web Store and four million times in the Edge Store. Microsoft did not explain the reason for ending support, even though they recently updated the UI for these extensions in August of this year. In the future, Edge users can access Microsoft 365 through the browser sidebar, while Chrome users can add Microsoft365.com to their browser bookmarks.

微软将下架Microsoft 365浏览器扩展


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