Android 项目主要领导者 Dave Burke 在谷歌内部调岗

软餐获悉,谷歌工程副总裁戴夫·伯克(Dave Burke)将在 Google 内部调岗。作为 Android 项目的主要领导者之一,Dave Burke 以在 I/O 开发者大会上的 Google 主题演讲而闻名,他在演讲中讨论新的 Android 功能。调岗后,他将转向 AI 和生物技术领域。

Dave Burke 的调岗是 Google 内部重组的一部分——Google 正在将其 Android 和 ChromeOS 等操作系统开发部门与 Pixel 手机和 Chromebook 等硬件开发部门合并。该公司将把 Android 内核和框架插入 ChromeOS。

Google engineering VP Dave Burke is shifting roles within Google. One of the lead executives for the Android project, Burke was known for leading Google’s keynote at the I/O developer conference, where he’d discuss new Android features. In his new role, he’ll be moving to work on AI and biotech. Burke’s shift is part of a reorganization within Google that will see the company combine its operating system development efforts across Android and ChromeOS with its hardware development for devices like Pixel phones and Chromebooks. The company will merge the core of Android with ChromeOS.

Android项目主要领导者Dave Burke在谷歌内部调岗
Gustave Agnes的头像Gustave Agnes


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