你在 X(Twitter)的点赞现在是私密的


软餐获悉,X 已经开始隐藏用户的 “喜欢”/点赞数据——贴子仍会显示收到了多少赞,但在某位用户的主页无法再看到 TA 点赞的内容。贴子作者仍能继续看到谁点赞了自己的帖子。我们实测看到,这项改动已经生效,X 已经弹窗进行提示 “你的点赞现在是私密的”。X(Twitter)表示,个人点赞数据公开经常受到批评,因为用户有时会将该机制用作书签,而不代表他们喜欢或支持某篇帖子。

由于隐私增强,上述改动可能会进一步提升 X(Twitter)用户点赞的积极性。

X has begun hiding users’ like/favorite counts — posts will still show how many likes they have received, but there’s no longer any way to see what someone has liked from their profile. The author of a post will still be able to see who liked their post. The change appears to be rolling out now, with X showing a pop-up notification that reads, “Your likes are now private.” X (Twitter) said that public like counts were often criticized because people sometimes used the feature as a bookmarking tool rather than a way to indicate that they enjoyed or supported a tweet.



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