苹果全新密码管理器 Passwords 测试版亮相


软餐获悉,苹果全新的密码管理器应用程序 Passwords 已在 iOS 18 开发者 Beta 版上亮相。该软件提供了多项功能:

  • 相比 iOS 17 设置中的 “密码” 页面,Passwords 应用程序提供了更多内容。包括存储在设备和 iCloud 帐户上的通行密钥、安全码和 Wi-Fi 密码的类别,以及为每个类别保存的凭据总数。搜索栏可查找不同类别的凭据。
  • 支持按最近创建、编辑日期、创建日期、字母顺序等对密码进行筛选和排序。
  • 求 Siri 查找密码。例如可以简单地说 “显示我的密码”,或者询问 “我的 Netflix 密码是什么?”,Siri 会自动打开相应页面。
  • 向联系人群组共享密码。可以与特定联系人创建群组,以在设备间共享密码和通行密钥。

Passwords 应用程序的正式版将于今年晚些时候在 iPhone、iPad、Mac 和 Vision Pro 头显上推出,也会为 Windows 版 iCloud 应用程序发布适用版本。

Apple’s new password management app, Passwords, has made its debut on the iOS 18 developer beta. The app offers several features:

  • Compared to the “Passwords” page in iOS 17 settings, the Passwords app provides more content. It includes categories for storing passkeys, security codes, and Wi-Fi passwords on the device and iCloud accounts, as well as the total number of credentials saved for each category. A search bar allows users to find credentials in different categories.
  • Support for filtering and sorting passwords based on criteria such as recent creation, edit date, creation date, and alphabetical order.
  • Ability to ask Siri to find passwords. For example, users can simply say, “Show my passwords” or ask, “What is my Netflix password?” Siri will automatically open the corresponding page.
  • Sharing passwords with contact groups. Users can create groups with specific contacts to share passwords and passkeys across devices.

The official version of the Passwords app will be launched later this year on iPhone, iPad, Mac, and Vision Pro headsets. An applicable version will also be released for the Windows version of the iCloud app.



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