iOS 18 暗黑模式将作用到主屏应用图标

iOS 18 暗黑模式将作用到主屏应用图标

知情人士透露,下一次 iOS 18 更新将支持在 iPhone 的主屏幕上使用深色/暗黑模式。据悉,启用深色模式后,在iOS 18上显示在主屏幕上的内置苹果应用程序的应用图标将具有深色色调。尚不清楚这是否会影响主屏幕上的第三方应用程序。苹果在2019年发布的iOS 13中引入了深色模式。苹果还在其他平台上推出了深色模式,包括iPad、Mac、Watch和Apple TV。你可以进入“设置”>“显示与亮度” 来启用 iPhone 的深色模式,还可设置在日落或指定时间自动打开/关闭深色模式。

iOS 18’s next update will support Dark Mode on the iPhone’s home screen, sources say. With Dark Mode enabled, it’s said that the icons for Apple’s built-in apps that appear on the home screen in iOS 18 will have a dark color scheme. It’s unclear if this will affect third-party apps on the home screen. Apple introduced Dark Mode in iOS 13 back in 2019. Apple also offers Dark Mode on its other platforms, including iPad, Mac, Watch, and Apple TV. You can enable Dark Mode on your iPhone by going to Settings > Display & Brightness, plus you can set it to automatically turn on/off at sunset or at a specific time.

iOS 18 暗黑模式将作用到主屏应用图标


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