FBI 拥有 7000 多个 Lockbit 勒索软件的解密密钥

美国联邦调查局(FBI)表示,它拥有 7000 多个 Lockbit 勒索软件的解密密钥。通过这种方式,该组织可以帮助受害者取回他们的数据。Lockbit 勒索软件组织于 2 月被捣毁。Lockbit 勒索软件家族不仅加密了数据,还窃取了数据。然后要求赎金以恢复对数据的访问。“但他们也会保留所有数据的副本,有时他们会要求第二次付款,以防止他们在网上发布你的个人或公司信息,” 联邦调查局的布莱恩·沃恩德兰(Bryan Vorndran)在美国的一次网络安全会议上说。Lockbit 在 2022 年成为世界上使用最广泛的勒索软件变种。Vorndran 表示,该组织对全球多达 2,400 起攻击负责,其中 1,800 多起发生在美国,总损失达数十亿美元。

去年 2 月,国际警察部队查封了 Lockbit 的网站。来自美国、英国和澳大利亚的警察组织于 5 月宣布了勒索软件团伙头目的身份。这名俄罗斯男子已被禁止旅行,他的银行账户已被冻结。美国当局悬赏 1000 万美元,以获取可能导致该男子被捕或定罪的信息。

The US Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) says it has the decryption key for more than 7000 Lockbit ransomware attacks. This means it can help victims recover their data for free. The Lockbit ransomware gang was taken down in February. The Lockbit ransomware family both encrypted and stole data. Ransom demands were then made in return for restoring access to the data. “But they will also keep a copy of all your data and will sometimes demand a second payment to stop them from posting your personal or corporate information to the internet,” the FBI’s Bryan Vorndran told a US cybersecurity conference. Lockbit became the world’s most prolific ransomware variant during 2022. Mr Vorndran said the gang had been responsible for up to 2,400 attacks worldwide – more than 1,800 of them in the US – costing victims billions of dollars. In February last year international law enforcement agencies seized the Lockbit website. In May police organisations from the US, UK and Australia announced they had identified the leader of the ransomware gang. A Russian national, he has been banned from travelling and had his bank accounts frozen. The US authorities have offered a $10m reward for information that leads to the man’s arrest and conviction.

FBI拥有 7000 多个 Lockbit 勒索软件的解密密钥


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