微软宣布重启 Win10 Beta 通道,将发布新功能

软餐获悉,微软正在重新开放 Windows 10 的 Beta 频道,并称将为 Win10 提供 “新功能和更多改进”。微软将在未来几周内发布第一个新的 Beta 版本。此举令人意外,因为微软一年前已宣布 Windows 10 不再获得任何新功能。通过 Beta 频道,Windows 10 用户可以继续留在 Windows 10,而不是升级到 Windows 11。不过,Windows 10 的终止时间不会因为 Beta 频道的 “复活” 而改变,它将于 2025 年 10 月 14 日退出历史舞台。

Microsoft is reopening the Beta Channel for Windows 10, saying it will give the software “new features and further improvements.” Microsoft will release its first new Beta build in the coming weeks. The move is a surprise, coming a year after Microsoft said that Windows 10 would no longer receive new features. The Beta Channel gives Windows 10 users a way to keep using Windows 10 instead of upgrading to Windows 11 . However, the end-of-support date for Windows 10 won’t change as a result of the Beta Channel’s resurrection: it’s still scheduled to be retired on October 14, 2025.

微软宣布重启Win10 Beta通道,将发布新功能


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