首个提供 iOS 应用内购买的替代游戏商店本周发布

软餐获悉,第一个支持应用内购买功能的 iOS 替代游戏商店 Aptoide 将于本周四发布。Aptoide 是一家老牌的 Android 应用程序商店(过往报道)。据悉,其 iOS 游戏商店将仅在欧盟发布。因为欧盟 DMA(数字市场法案)的发布,欧盟用户在 App Store 之外下载 iOS 应用程序成为可能。Aptoide 称有 100 名开发者有兴趣通过 Aptoide 发布游戏。

The first iOS alternative game store with in-app purchases, Aptoide, is launching this Thursday. Aptoide is a veteran Android app store (our coverage) . The company says the iOS game store will launch with around 100 games, and will only be available in the European Union. That’s because the European Union’s Digital Markets Act (DMA) now allows sideloading of iOS apps from alternative stores. Aptoide says it has 100 developers interested in distributing their games through Aptoide.

首个提供 iOS 应用内购买的替代游戏商店本周发布
Gustave Agnes的头像Gustave Agnes


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