报告称 2028 年前苹果不会发布折叠屏 iPhone

软餐获悉,市场研究公司 Trendforce 预测,在 2028 年之前,苹果公司不会推出其首款折叠 iPhone。该机构的研究报告显示,可折叠智能手机仅占整个智能手机市场的 1.5%。三星、OPPO、Vivo、摩托罗拉、华为等 Android 玩家是该细分市场的领导者,三星占大部分份额。到 2028 年,可折叠智能手机的市场份额将上升到 4.8%。苹果公司仍在评估组件规格和性能,该公司对折痕和可靠性有严格的要求。显示屏折痕是可折叠智能手机的困扰问题之一。因此苹果对折叠屏将继续观望,直到在技术上解决折痕问题。

Market research firm Trendforce predicts that Apple will not launch its first foldable iPhone before 2028. The research firm’s report suggests that foldable smartphones account for just 1.5% of the total smartphone market, with Android players like Samsung, Oppo, Vivo, Motorola, and Huawei leading the segment, with Samsung capturing the majority of the market share. By 2028, the market share for foldable smartphones is expected to reach 4.8%. Apple is reportedly still evaluating component specifications and performance, with the company said to have strict requirements for durability and the appearance of creases. Display creases continue to be a persistent issue with foldable smartphones, and Apple is likely to adopt a wait-and-see approach until the technology matures and the issue of creases is resolved.



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