特朗普入驻 TikTok

软餐获悉,共和党总统候选人特朗普 (Donald Trump) 入驻了短视频平台 TikTok。该账号在周日早间粉丝超过 80 万。上周六晚,特朗普发布一段了 13 秒的短视频,是他在新泽西州纽瓦克的终极格斗冠军赛(简称 UFC) 活动的视频。视频中,特朗普在赛场内向粉丝致意。特朗普希望通过加入 TikTok 来拉拢年轻选民。而就在四年前,特朗普在总统任上曾试图下令封禁 TikTok,但因法律问题未能如愿。

Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump has joined the short video platform TikTok. The account garnered over 800,000 followers on Sunday morning. Last Saturday night, Trump released a 13-second video showcasing his presence at the Ultimate Fighting Championship (UFC) event in Newark, New Jersey. In the video, Trump greeted his fans inside the arena. By joining TikTok, Trump aims to attract young voters. Interestingly, just four years ago, during his presidency, Trump attempted to ban TikTok, but his efforts were hindered by legal challenges.

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