OpenAI 向免费版用户开放了 GPT 商店

OpenAI 已为 ChatGPT 免费版用户开放了对 GPT 商店的访问权限。这一举措是在将免费用户迁移到 GPT-4o 时实施的。现在,ChatGPT 免费用户可以看到 ChatGPT 下方左侧的 “检查 GPT” 按钮,以浏览最受欢迎的自定义 GPT。付费客户可向商店发布自定义 GPT。此外,免费用户还可以上传文件,可以选择让 ChatGPT 记住细节并让聊天机器人在线查找内容。

OpenAI has granted free users of ChatGPT access to the GPT Store. This move was implemented during the migration of free users to GPT-4o. Now, ChatGPT free users can see a “Explore GPTs” button below ChatGPT, on the left side, which leads to the GPT Store where they can browse the most popular custom GPT models. Paying customers have the ability to post their own custom GPTs in the store. Additionally, free users can upload files and choose to have ChatGPT remember details and search for information online.



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