两万多名 BBC 员工个人数据遭泄露

超过 25,000 名 BBC(英国广播公司)员工和前雇员的个人数据已被泄露。这包括姓名、出生日期和保险号码。这些数据来自 BBC 的公司养老基金,有 25,290 人受到数据泄漏影响。该基金包括英国 BBC 的 50,000 名员工和前雇员。BBC 称,没有任何迹象表明这是一次勒索软件攻击。但该公司在给受影响者的电子邮件中写道,个人数据 “已从云存储服务中被盗”。养老金计划表示,没有银行详细信息、电话号码、电子邮件地址、用户名、密码或敏感的健康信息被泄露。数据泄露事件已报告给英国隐私监管机构 ICO。养老基金表示,正在对泄露事件进行调查,现在已经采取了 “额外的安全措施”。

Personal data of over 25,000 current and former employees of the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) has been leaked. This includes names, dates of birth, and insurance numbers. The data originates from the BBC’s company pension fund, affecting 25,290 individuals. The fund covers 50,000 employees and former employees of the BBC in the UK. The BBC stated that there is no indication that this was a ransomware attack. However, the company mentioned in an email to the affected individuals that personal data “was stolen from a cloud storage service.” The pension scheme clarified that no bank details, phone numbers, email addresses, usernames, passwords, or sensitive health information were compromised. The data breach incident has been reported to the UK’s privacy regulatory body, the ICO. The pension fund stated that an investigation into the breach is underway and “additional security measures” have been implemented.

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