美国捣毁史上最大的僵尸网络 911 S5

美国司法部(United States Department of Justice)捣毁了一个名为 911 S5 的僵尸网络。该僵尸网络被用来进行网络攻击、大规模欺诈、剥削儿童、骚扰、炸弹威胁和出口违规等非法活动。联邦调查局表示,这可能是有史以来最大的僵尸网络。创建和运营该僵尸网络的 Yunhe Wang 于 5 月 24 日被捕。起诉书称,Wang 和他人创建了恶意软件并将其传播到 Windows 计算机上,以将其置于他的控制之下。这一僵尸网络入侵了约 1900 万个 IP 地址,并协助其用户提交了数万份与《新冠病毒援助、救济和经济安全法》(Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic)项目相关的欺诈申请,给美国政府造成了数十亿美元的损失。用于在 911 S5 僵尸网络中注册计算机的恶意软件通过虚拟专用网络(VPN)程序传播。

The United States Department of Justice has dismantled a zombie network called 911 S5. This zombie network was used for illegal activities such as cyberattacks, large-scale fraud, child exploitation, harassment, bomb threats, and export violations. The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) has stated that this may be the largest zombie network ever discovered. Yunhe Wang, the creator and operator of the zombie network, was arrested on May 24th. According to the indictment, Wang and others developed malicious software and spread it to Windows computers to gain control over them. This zombie network infiltrated approximately 19 million IP addresses and assisted its users in submitting tens of thousands of fraudulent applications related to the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act, causing billions of dollars in losses to the U.S. government. The malicious software used to register computers in the 911 S5 zombie network spread through Virtual Private Network (VPN) programs.

美国捣毁史上最大的僵尸网络911 S5
Gustave Agnes的头像Gustave Agnes


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