欧盟考虑对 Telegram 加强监管

据彭博社,欧盟监管机构正在考虑对 Telegram 展开调查,该平台上的非法和有害内容引起了当局的注意,欧盟还关注 Telegram 如何根据《数字服务法》(DSA)定义其用户数量。在欧盟,超过 4500 万用户的公司会被归类为 “超大型在线平台”,这类平台需要在用户数据、未成年人保护、虚假信息审核处置以及提高透明度等方面执行更高更严格的标准。但 Telegram 声称它在欧盟境内只有 4100 万活跃用户,因此它不在 “超大型在线平台” 之列。欧盟正在调查 Telegram 的计算方法。

目前欧盟已确定了 17 个超大型在线平台(VLOP)和 2 个超大型在线搜索引擎(VLOSE)的名单,其中包括 Facebook、TikTok、X 和 Google 搜索等。Telegram 的加入将使 VLOP 的数量增加到 18 个。

According to Bloomberg, EU regulatory authorities are considering launching an investigation into Telegram due to the presence of illegal and harmful content on the platform, which has drawn the attention of authorities. The EU is also concerned about how Telegram defines its user count under the Digital Services Act (DSA). In the EU, companies with over 45 million users are classified as “very large online platforms” (VLOPs), which are subject to higher and stricter standards in areas such as user data, protection of minors, handling of false information, and increased transparency. However, Telegram claims to have only 41 million active users within the EU, positioning itself outside the category of “very large online platforms.” The EU is currently investigating Telegram’s calculation method.

Currently, the EU has identified a list of 17 VLOPs (Very Large Online Platforms) and 2 VLOSEs (Very Large Online Search Engines), including Facebook, TikTok, Twitter (formerly known as X), and Google Search, among others. Telegram’s inclusion would increase the number of VLOPs to 18.



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