聊天应用 Discord 将回归游戏领域

软餐获悉,聊天和社区平台 Discord 将再次专注于游戏,并进行重新设计。在该平台成立 9 周年之际,其 CEO Jason Citron 宣布,Discord 意识到需要将焦点从一个面向社群的普通聊天应用转变为一个帮助人们深化他们在游戏和共同兴趣上的友谊的平台。2020 年,Discord 曾计划扩大到更多的目标群体,但现在决定回归游戏领域。此外,Discord 将拥有一个 “焕然一新的外观和视觉形象”。该应用将在今年晚些时候获得更新,提升其语音、视频和流媒体技术的可靠性,并扩展到更多设备。

Chat and community platform Discord is once again focusing on gaming and undergoing a redesign. On the occasion of its 9th anniversary, CEO Jason Citron announced that Discord has realized the need to shift its focus from being a general chat app for communities to becoming a platform that helps deepen friendships around gaming and shared interests. Additionally, Discord will have a “refreshed look and visual identity.” In 2020, Discord had planned to broaden its target audience, but it has now decided to return to the gaming sphere. The application will receive an update later this year, enhancing the reliability of its voice, video, and streaming technologies and expanding to more devices.

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