
软餐获悉,谷歌为 YouTube 和 YouTube Music 的安卓版本推出了类似 Shazam 的听歌识曲功能。用户可通过哼唱、吹口哨或播放录音来让 YouTube 识别歌曲。在两款应用的搜索栏右侧的麦克风图标旁可以访问该功能。暂不清楚谷歌何时会将该功能向 iOS 用户推出。2020 年,谷歌向 Google Assistent 引入了类似的功能。

Google has introduced a Shazam-like song recognition feature for the Android versions of YouTube and YouTube Music. Users can identify songs on YouTube by humming, whistling, or playing a recording. The feature is accessible through the microphone icon next to the search bar in both applications. It is currently unknown when Google will release this feature for iOS users. In 2020, Google introduced a similar feature to Google Assistant.

Gustave Agnes的头像Gustave Agnes


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