英国 2026 年起允许自动驾驶汽车上路

近日,英国通过了法案 Automated Vehicles Bill,根据该法案,从 2026 年开始,完全自动驾驶的车辆将被允许在英国的公共道路上行驶。车辆中仍需要有一名驾驶员,但在自动驾驶模式下,驾驶员不再对车辆的行为负责。前提是这些车辆 “在自动驾驶模式下与谨慎和能干的人类驾驶员一样安全或更安全”。为此,政府计划建立一个 “批准制度”,并设立一个 “独立的事故调查职能”。当局称企业必须履行持续的义务,以确保其车辆的安全性。英国政府认为,自动驾驶车辆可提高交通的可访问性,因为不会开车的人也可以上路了。英国交通部长马克·哈珀(Mark Harper)将该法案的批准是 “对安全和经济的巨大推动”。预计到 2035 年,自动驾驶汽车行业的价值将达到 420 亿英镑(480 亿欧元),并创造 38,000 个就业机会。

Recently, the United Kingdom passed the Automated Vehicles Bill, which allows fully autonomous vehicles to operate on public roads starting from 2026. While a driver is still required to be present in the vehicle, they are no longer responsible for the vehicle’s behavior in autonomous mode. The condition is that these vehicles must be “as safe as or safer than cautious and competent human drivers” in autonomous mode. The government plans to establish an approval system and create an independent incident investigation function. Companies are required to fulfill ongoing obligations to ensure the safety of their vehicles. The UK government believes that autonomous vehicles can improve transportation accessibility, as even individuals who cannot drive can now take to the roads. The approval of the bill by the UK Transport Minister, Mark Harper, is seen as a significant boost for both safety and the economy. It is estimated that by 2035, the autonomous vehicle industry could be worth £42 billion (€48 billion) and create 38,000 jobs.



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