音乐播放器 Winamp 将发布 Windows 版源代码

老牌音乐播放器 Winamp Player 将于 9 月 24 日发布其 Windows 版本的源代码。官方称这将允许 “整个社区参与 Winamp 的开发” 。现在,感兴趣的开发者已经可以通过 Winamp 官网表单索取源代码。 Winamp 于 1997 年问世,官方宣称在全球拥有超过 8000 万活跃用户。

The long-standing music player, Winamp Player, will release the source code of its Windows version on September 24th. The official statement claims that this will allow the “entire community to participate in the development of Winamp.” Winamp was introduced in 1997, and the official announcement states that it has over 80 million active users worldwide. Interested developers can now request the source code through the Winamp official website form.



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