
华尔街日报说,硅谷投资界正在兴起一股 “爱国主义风潮”。投资者对美国国防领域的资金投入激增。曾帮助 Facebook、Google 等科技公司起步的投资者们正转向支持初创企业开发战场软件、军用无人机和自动驾驶潜水艇等领域。这种转变与中美关系近年来的明显变化有关。风投人士正适应这种转变。需要知道的是,硅谷投资者们并非单纯因爱国而投资,而是因为这类投资能获得丰厚回报。

According to The Wall Street Journal, there is a growing trend of “patriotic investing” in Silicon Valley’s investment community. Investors are significantly increasing their funding in the U.S. defense sector. Investors who previously supported tech companies like Facebook and Google are now shifting towards supporting startups developing battlefield software, military drones, and autonomous submarines. This shift is attributed to the noticeable changes in U.S.-China relations in recent years. Venture capitalists are adapting to this transformation. It is important to note that Silicon Valley investors are not solely driven by patriotism but rather by the potential for substantial returns on these types of investments.



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