微软宣布 7 月发布其手机游戏商店

微软 Xbox 总裁莎拉·邦德(Sarah Bond)透露,微软将于 7 月的某个时候推出其手机游戏商店。邦德在彭博技术峰会期间宣布了这一消息。她说该商店将首先发布 Web 版本,而非移动应用程序。因为基于 Web 的商店能吸引更多的受众和设备。最初该商店将提供目前拥有的游戏产品,包括热门的 Candy Crush 等游戏,以及《我的世界》和《使命召唤手游》等。邦德称后续还将在该商店分发第三方手游产品,并有计划推出 Web 版以外的版本。她没有透露该商店的名称。

Sarah Bond, the Head of Xbox at Microsoft, has revealed that Microsoft will launch its mobile game store sometime in July. Bond made this announcement during the Bloomberg Technology Summit. She stated that the store will initially be released as a web version rather than a mobile application. The web-based store will be able to reach a broader audience and more devices. Initially, the store will offer existing game titles, including popular games like Candy Crush, Minecraft, and Call of Duty Mobile. Bond mentioned that the store will later distribute third-party mobile game products and there are plans to release versions beyond the web version. She did not disclose the name of the mobile game store.

微软宣布7 月发布其手机游戏商店


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