微软明年推出 Exchange Server 订阅版

微软公司通过官方博客证实,该公司将于明年发布 Exchange Server 的订阅版本,即 Exchange Server SE 。此版本将在 Exchange Server 2019 和 2016 的支持结束之前发布。微软尚未公布订阅价格。微软称,Exchange Server SE 将在 2025 年第三季度初推出。在此之前,Exchange Server 2019 将收到其第 15 个也是最后一个累积更新(CU)。订阅版在代码上将与此 Exchange Server 2019 CU15 相同,因此保留了相同的系统要求。最初唯一的区别涉及许可协议、名称以及版本号。微软每年将为 Exchange Server SE 发布两次累积更新。

Microsoft has confirmed through an official blog post that the company will release a subscription version of Exchange Server next year, known as Exchange Server SE. This version will be released before the support for Exchange Server 2019 and 2016 ends. Microsoft has not yet disclosed the subscription pricing. Microsoft states that Exchange Server SE will be launched in the early third quarter of 2025. Prior to that, Exchange Server 2019 will receive its 15th and final cumulative update (CU). The subscription version will have the same codebase as Exchange Server 2019 CU15. Therefore, SE retains the same system requirements. The initial and only difference lies in the licensing agreement, name, and version number. Microsoft will release two cumulative updates per year for Exchange Server SE.



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